

IDS Customers

In our 40-year history, IDS has had hundreds of satisfied customers.

IDS currently has fifty-five (55) Active Customers:

(9) Large and Long-Term Airport Clients

(38) National Railway Clients

(8) Regional Multimodal Rail/Subway/Bus Clients

Like our employees, IDS typically retains our customers for decades.

IDS Transit Icons


Large and Long-Term Airport Clients. 

"When our airport peers remark on what we've achieved at MWAA, I reflect on how it boils down to the key elements upon which all IT successes are built: The people, the processes, and the technology." - Goutam Kundu, CIO MWAA



National Railway Clients

"The new, digital and state-of-the-art PIDS board that will take its place allows us to have a more modern and tech-friendly station with an ADA-compliant display board" - David Handera, Amtrak VP of Passenger Accessibility 

IDS Transit Icons (2)
IDS Transit Icons (1)


Regional Multimodal Rail/Subway/Bus Clients

"Every world-class city that exists has a robust transit system, and for us, this is one of the first steps in that process of getting there." - Jerome Horne, IndyGo's Community Engagement Coordinator


Any Questions?

To discover extensive information about IDS ADA-Compliant Audio/Visual Solutions, reach out to our team at International Display Systems, Inc. today. We will do our best to provide you with all the details that you need.